Oi, someone's a slacker. It's been over a month since my last post! I've even had pictures uploaded and ready to go, i just need to actually do a post. But i've had so much other stuff to do i just haven't gotten around to it. I probably haven't gotten around to it yet because they're just pictures from one of my hikes and no one is harassing me to post them. Greg, on the other hand, wasn't going to just let me not post his wedding pictures.

Greg and i go all the way back to Moscow. Greg arrived in Russia i think two months before me, so we ended up serving most of our missions together. We actually got to be companions for a month or two near the end of our missions - ah, those were good times. We even managed to get together a few times when we got home.

When Greg told me he was going to be getting married out here i let him know i'd be more than happy to take his pics for him if he needed anyone. And after what i'm sure must have been a long and difficult decision-making process they actually called me up and said they'd have me do it. I (like to) imagine their conversation may been something like this: S: "Wow! These pictures are great! We should totally go with Alan." G: "Yeah, they really are good, but it's Alan - I'm not so sure that would be a good idea." S: "But the pictures are so good, why not?" G: "Well, it's just Alan - he's a little crazy. Besides, he'll probably photoshop horns on my head or make me smaller so he can be taller."

You're probably wondering what the "S:" stood for. I hope you realized that the "G:" was naturally for Greg. I would like to tell you what the "S:" stands for but i'm a little reluctant for fear of making (a bigger than normal) fool of myself. You see, i know what the "S:" stands for, i just don't know how it is spelled. I know it starts with a "Sue" sound and ends with a "zanne" sound. But if i remember correctly, if i spelled her name as "Suzanne" i would get in trouble, but i'm pretty sure her name would ryhme with Suzanne. i suppose i could try and find the wedding announcement, but then this would never get posted...

By the way, these are obviously just a few of the pictures (i'll actually post some more in the next couple of days, hopefully tomorrow), if you'd like to see all of them feel free to check out my (lame) website at http://www.alanjphoto.com and click on the link for Wuthrich Wedding.

We shot all these pictures out at the Tuscany Restaraunt in Holladay (in the southeast corner of the Salt Lake Valley). I actually probably should have scouted out the location before trying to shoot there. If i had, i might not have been 15 minutes late from driving past the dang place like 4 times. Anyway, sorry you two had to wait for me to find good places to shoot, that's what you get for a whole winter without any gigs.

Fortunately, there were plenty of good places (which you can hopefully tell from the pics), but even if there hadn't been any good places they're such a good-looking couple it probably wouldn't have mattered. Of course, when i say good-looking couple i mean it's a good thing SueZann (SueZann, if i am spelling your name wrong, i am so, so, so sorry - i would like to take this opportunity to blame it on Jen, but you're more than welcome to call me Allan or Allen if it makes you feel any better) is so beautful that you don't really notice Greg... just kidding Greg.

Anyway, i hope you enjoy the pictures. Of course, i really hope Greg and SueZann enjoy the pictures; the rest of you guys (assuming anyone still checks this blog) would just be a bonus. Feel free to leave me some feedback on which ones you like and all that (i know it would be impossible not to like any of them). Of course, if you were going hint that possibly one of the pictures didn't work out so well for you, you might want to leave that kind of note in an anonymous comment - you know, so we can still be friends afterwards.

It was a great wedding and i was really glad to be a part of it. It was nice to see some familiar faces and of course, i really enjoyed catching up with Greg again. I wish you guys the very, very best and a happy new life together!

This is just a note to break up the pictures. Not that the pictures need to be broken up or anything, just consider it a cleansing of your visual pallette so you can appreciate each picture individually.

I should probably also apologize for any other spelling errors, stupid blogger's spell check isn't working.

Good job hubby! The wedding was beautiful. The Tuscany is breathtaking. SueZann is so sweet. I can't wait to get to know her a little better and it was great to see Greg and his family again.
Allen, those are great! I really like them. You take amazing pictures.
Hey, you didn't obtain prior approval for that Karie. Even though i still appreciate the compliment.
I couldn't resist...
Where did we go? Where did you go? Sorry I forget to check this blog after looking and looking and nothing new! I like your reminder on the more frequently updated blog, though :). Ok, my favorite shot is with her in front of the window facing the camera. I love that natural light and it makes her look like an angel. Nice job as usual Alan. I am excited to see you and get some pointers. I like the light you have been using lately and I want to know how you are doing it. I have some exciting photo news to share too!
Why would I check this more often than monthly? You never post more often than that. Eventually I get around to checking it though... She is gorgeous! Her eyes photographed beautifully in all these shots and I really like the close-up of the boquet with them all fuzzy in the backgroun. Nice Job Alan!
Thank you all for your kind compliments. It's always nice to hear someone else likes your work, i'm obviously biased and can't ever take my own opinion seriously. I would have to say that the one by the window is also one of my absolute favorites, if not my actual favorite. Those window shots with natural light are just so awesome - i really need to practice them more. Oh, and i also really loved her eyes, they really popped on a number of photos. So what's the exciting photo news?
Okay Mr. hidden talent (okay, not really hidden, but not advertised either!) What BEAUTIFUL pictures! I was TOTALLY impressed--and actually feel quite sheepish about my OWN photography attempts now! Just hope you are judging me too harshly! :)
Am igoogling your blog so I can be ready for the next updates! Sounds like you keep pretty busy when it's not snowing... :) So, I will be waiting!
This is what happens when I stop blog stalking people...I miss all the good posts! These pics are so beautiful and the location is so pretty! Way to go! I want pics there now...
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